Our Story

Keeping the Spark was born out of gratitude. Grateful for our partners in ‘Keeping the Spark’ alive in what was then our busy chaotic lives.

We learnt particularly over the last few years in the value of having that connection and what it brings to the relationship, not to take it for granted. 

If only all relationships could experience the same, would more relationships last the distance?

Some relationships already have a great connection and maybe want to try something a little different in maintaining. 

Our themed packages support couples in a fun way in getting your Spark back or in Keeping the Spark you already have.



Dream it

I began Keeping the Spark from a time in my life where I reflected on what was good, great and not so. The one thing that stood out to me the most besides my children and dog, is my partner. Having been by my side for the many years together, giving me his love, time and commitment. Reflecting back, it’s something that I was lacking in giving fully by being too busy or at times not fully present.

Sharing similar experiences with close friends, we realised that many relationships are the same, sometimes one sided where the other misses the cues, gestures and the appreciation of just being together.

From there Keeping the Spark was born from friends alike. 

Slow down, have gratitude and focussing on quality over quantity is our mantra.

We hope you enjoy the experiences as much as we enjoy creating them.

Siobhan x